For this blog entry I’m going to keep the words to a minimum and let the pictures speak for themselves. Following from my last entry, Yuying and I spent a considerable amount of time on the playing with high shutter speed on the carpark rooftop. As usual during Melbourne Autumn/Winter seasons, usable light tends to slip away quickly, so for the last part of the shoot we quickly decided on a location change.
Melbourne was beginning to emerge from it’s first lockdown, making the surrounding streets fairly empty and perfect for some unplanned photography. Reflecting on the last part of the shoot, and knowing I’ve improved with regards to my direction., there are a few approaches I would’ve changed for the better. Being later in the day and minus strong directional light, my work would’ve benefited greatly from the speedlite as a few shots feel a bit flat.
I’m crossing my fingers this Stage 4 lockdown isn’t extended any more than it’s initial 6 weeks. The prospect of rummaging through the dusty corners of my harddrive for pics to edit, rather than organising shoots is becoming a likely reality.